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Friday, December 1, 2006

List of operations and projects (military and non-military)

Repeated lists?

Why are the WWII and Cold War ops lists repeated? Is there any reason the duplicated lists should not be merged? Nextel ringtones Bbpen/Bbpen 16:18, 14 Jul 2004

Acting boldly

OK, I crosschecked both Cold War ops lists and removed this second one. Abbey Diaz Bbpen/Bbpen 16:34, 14 Jul 2004

Cold War Era
* ''Free ringtones Operation Agatha/Agatha'' (1946) - British attack on Majo Mills Hagana and Mosquito ringtone Irgun in Sabrina Martins Palestine
* ''Nextel ringtones Operation Ajax/Ajax'' (1953) - Anglo-British plan for coup in Abbey Diaz Iran
* ''Free ringtones Operation Anadyr/Anadyr'' - Soviet plan to base nuclear weapons in Majo Mills Cuba; the cause of the Cingular Ringtones Cuban Missile Crisis
* ''attractive late Operation Argus/Argus'' (1959) - test of nuclear bombs in the upper atmosphere
* ''particular governmental Operation Attila/Attila'' (1974) - Turkish invasion and occupation of northern six pennant Cyprus
* ''france britain Operation Balak/Balak'' (1948) - smuggling of arms to Israel
* ''military backed Operation Blowdown/Blowdown'' (1963) - Australia/US/UK simulated nuclear explosion in a rain forest
* ''miraculously found Operation Claret/Claret'' (1964) - British patrols into Indonesia
* ''door cabals Operation El Dorado Canyon/El Dorado Canyon'' (1986) - US strikes against atmosphere gubbio Libya
* ''cause decoherence Operation Entebbe/Entebbe'' (1976) - Israeli rescue operation at cordelia likes Entebbe, put free Uganda. Later renamed ''Jonathan''
* ''gump it Operation Evening Light/Evening Light'' (1980) - US attempt to rescue embassy hostages in and garnered Tehran
* ''feces in Operation Gold/Gold'' (1954) - covert American tunnel under the several stables Berlin Wall
* ''wool manufactured Operation Golden Pheasant/Golden Pheasant'' (1988) - US deployment in Honduras
* ''the tcpa Operation Horev/Horev'' (1948) - Israeli attack in northern on jose Israel
* ''recommends funds Operation Entebbe/Jonathan'' (1976) - rescue of hostages at Entebbe, Uganda
* his remedy Project Jennifer/Jennifer (1974) - CIA lifting of a sunken Soviet submarine
* ''Operation Just Cause/Just Cause'' (1989) - US invasion of Panama
* Operation Mongoose/Mongoose (1962) - plan for information gathering, sabotage, civil insurrection and the overthrown of the Cuban government
* ''Operation Nimrod/Nimrod'' (1980) - rescue of hostages in the Iranian embassy, London
* ''Operation Northwoods/Northwoods'' (1960s) - plan to incite war between the United States and Cuba
* ''Orion project/Orion (1960) - DARPA project to design a Nuclear pulse propulsion system
* ''Operation Peter Pan/Peter Pan'' (1960s) - transfer of Cubans to the US
* ''Operation Power Pack/Power Pack'' (1965) - US deployment in the Dominican Republic
* ''Operation Provide Comfort/Provide Comfort'' (1991) - relief effort in northern Iraq
* ''Operation Restore Hope/Restore Hope'' (1992) - American name for UNITAF, humanitarian intervention in Somalia
*''Operation Silver/Silver'' - covert British tunnel in Austria
* ''Operation Suzannah/Suzannah'' (1954) - Israeli plan to bomb American interests in Egypt
* ''Operation Urgent Fury/Urgent Fury'' (1983) - US invasion of Grenada
* ''Operation Vittles/Vittles'' (1948) - Berlin Airlift
** ''Operation Planefare'' - British part of the Berlin Airlift

More bold actions
Crosschecked both WWII ops lists and removed this second one. Bbpen/Bbpen 16:39, 14 Jul 2004

World War II
* ''Operation Agreement/Agreement'' (1942) - British landing in North Africa
* ''Operation Reinhard/Reinhard'' (1943) German reprisals for Anthropoid.
* ''Operation Alphabet/Alphabet'' - evacuation of British troops from Norway
* ''Operation Ambassador/Ambassador'' (1940) - British commando raid on Guernsey
* ''Operation Amherst/Amherst'' (1945) - British airborne raid in the Netherlands
* ''Operation Anvil/Anvil'' (1944) - invasion of Southern France. Name later changed to ''Dragoon''
* ''Operation Anthropoid/Anthropoid'' (1942) British assassination of Reinhard Heydrich.
* ''Operation Archery/Archery'' (1941) - British commando raid on Maaloy, Norway
* ''Operation Artur/Artur'' ("Arthur") (1941) - German plan to support IRA activities
* ''Operation Attila/Attila'' (1940) - German seizure and occupation of Vichy France
*''Operation Avalanche (World War II)/Avalanche'' - Allied landings near Salerno, Italy
** ''Operation Boardman/Boardman'' - deception operation for Avalanche
* ''Operation Barbarossa/Barbarossa'' (1941) - German invasion of the Soviet Union
** ''Operation Platinfuchs/Platinfuchs'' ("Platinum Fox") (1941) - German attack towards Murmansk from Finnish Petsamo
** ''Operation Polarfuchs/Polarfuchs'' ("Polar Fox") (1941) - German attack towards Kandalaksha from Finnish Lapland
* ''Operation Basalt/Basalt'' (1942) - British raid on Sark
* ''Operation Baytown/Baytown'' - Allied landings in Calabria, Italy
* ''Operation Bertram/Bertram'' - part of the Second Battle of El Alamein
* ''Operation Begonia/Begonia'' (1943) - British POW rescue in Italy
* ''Operation Birke/Birke'' ("Birch") (1944) - German plan to withdraw from Northern Finland prior to the Lapland War
* ''Operation Birkhahn/Birkhahn'' ("Black Cock") (1945) - German withdrawal from Norway
* ''Operation Biting/Biting'' (1942) - Commando raid on radar site in France
* ''Fall Blau/Blau'' ("Case Blue") (1942) - German offensive in the southern USSR
* ''Operation Blücher/Blücher'' (1942) - German campaign in the Caucasus
* ''Operation Bodenplatte/Bodenplatte'' ("Baseplate") (1945) - German aerial attack on 27 Allied airbases
* ''Operation Candytuft/Candytuft'' (1943) - British raid on the Italian east coast
* ''Operation Canuck/Canuck'' (1945) - Special Air Service/SAS operation near Turin
* ''Operation Cerberus/Cerberus'' (1942) - escape of German capital ships from Brest, France/Brest to home ports in Germany
* ''Operation Chariot/Chariot'' (1942) - British raid on Saint Nazaire
* ''Operation Chastise/Chastise'' (1943) - attack on German dams
* ''Operation Clawhammer/Clawhammer'' (1942) - planned commando raid on a radar site in France
* ''Operation Claymore/Claymore'' (1941) - British raid on Norwegian islands
* ''Operation Cobra/Cobra'' (1944) - American breakout from Normandy
** ''Operation Dunhill/Dunhill'' (1944) - SAS operations in Normandy to support ''Cobra''
* ''Operation Cold Comfort/Cold Comfort'' (1945) - British raid on rail lines in Italy
* ''Operation Colossus/Colossus'' (1941) - airborne raid against rail targets in Italy
* ''Operation Compass/Compass'' (1940) - British counteroffensive in North Africa
*''Operation Cooney/Cooney'' - French commando raid
* ''Operation Crusader/Crusader'' (1941) - British attempt to relieve Tobruk
* ''Operation Deadlight/Deadlight'' (1945) - postwar scuttling of U-boats
* ''Operation Defoe/Defoe'' (1944) - SAS patrols in Normandy
* ''Operation Donnerschlag/Donnerschlag'' ("Thunderclap") (1942) - planned breakout of the German 6th Army from Stalingrad
* ''Operation Downfall/Downfall'' (1945) - planned invasion of Japan
**''Operation Olympic/Olympic'' - first of two prongs of the invasion of Japan
**''Operation Coronet/Coronet'' - second of two prongs of the invasion of Japan
* ''Operation Dragoon/Dragoon'' (1944) - Allied landing in southern France
** ''Operation Dove/Dove'' - gliderborne component of Dragoon
** ''Operation Span/Span'' - deception operation in support of Dragoon
* ''Operation Driftwood/Driftwood'' (1944) - failed raid on rail targets north of Rome
* ''Operation Drumbeat/Drumbeat'' (1942) - German U-boat attack on east coast shipping of the United States
* ''Operation Dynamo/Dynamo'' (1940) - British evacuation from Dunkirk
* ''Operation Edelweiss/Edelweiss'' (1942) - proposed German capture of the oil fields of Baku
* ''Operation Eisenhammer/Eisenhammer'' (1943) - plan to destroy Soviet power generators in Moscow and Gorky (not the same as ''Iron Hammer'')
* ''Operation Epsom/Epsom'' (1944) - British assault west of Caen, Normandy
* ''Fall Blau'' ("Case Blue") (1942) - German offensive in the southern USSR
* ''Fall Gelb'' ("Case Yellow") (1940) - German offensive against western Europe
* ''Operation Gruen/Fall Gruen'' ("Case Green") - the German invasion of Czechoslovakia
* ''Fall Rot'' ("Case Red") (1935) - German defense plan in case of an incursion by France when Czechoslovakia is invaded
* ''Fall Weiss'' ("Case White") (1939) - German invasion of Poland
* ''Operation Felix/Felix'' (1940-41) - planned German invasion of Gibraltar
* ''Operation Feuerzauber/Feuerzauber'' ("Fire Magic") (1942) - planned German capture of Leningrad
* ''Operation Fischereiher/Fischereiher'' ("Heron") (1942) - German offensive to capture Stalingrad
* ''Operation Fortitude/Fortitude'' (1944) - Allied deception in Europe
* ''Operation Foxley/Foxley'' - a plan to kill Adolf Hitler that was never carried out
* ''Operation Frankton/Frankton'' (1942) - commando raid on shipping port in France
* ''Operation Frühlingserwachen/Frühlingserwachen'' ("Spring Awakening") (1945) - German counterattack against Russian forces in Hungary
* ''Operation Gaff/Gaff'' (1944) - attempt to kill Erwin Rommel
* ''Operation Gauntlet/Gauntlet'' (1941) - raid on Spitzbergen
* ''Operation Goodwood/Goodwood'' (1944) - British breakout attempt from Normandy
* ''Operation Greif/Greif'' ("Grab") (1944) - German troops disguised as Allied soldiers during Battle of the Bulge
* ''Operation Grenade/Grenade'' (1945) - American/Canadian crossing of the Rhine
* ''Operation Grün/Grün'' [1] ("Green") - the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia
* ''Operation Grün (Green)/Grün'' [2] ("Green") (1940) - decoy invasion of Ireland in conjunction with ''Seelöwe''
* ''Operation Gunnerside/Gunnerside'' (1943) - raid on a Norwegian heavy water plant
* ''Project Habbakuk'' - project to construct an aircraft carrier out of ice
* ''Operation Herbstnebel''
* ''Operation Herbstreise/Herbstreise'' ("Autumn Journey") (1940) - decoy invasion of Scotland
* ''Operation Herkules/Herkules'' (1942) - planned Axis airborne invasion of Malta
* ''Battle of the Bulge/Wacht am Rhein'' ("Watch on the Rhine") (1944) - German counteroffensive in the Ardennes (in Belgium, Luxembourg and France); the Battle of the Bulge
* ''Operation Husky/Husky'' (1943) - Allied invasion of Sicily
* ''Operation Icarus/Icarus'' (1940) - planned German invasion of Iceland
* ''Second Battle of El Alamein/Lightfoot'' (1942) - first attack by the British at El Alamein
* ''Operation Marita/Marita'' (1941) - German invasion of Greece
*''Operation Lost/Lost'' (1944) - British raid on Brittany
* ''Operation Margarethe/Margarethe'' (1944) - German operation to keep Hungary from defecting
* ''Operation Loyton/Loyton'' (1944) - large SAS patrol in French mountains
* ''Manhattan Project'' - American program to build an atomic bomb
* ''Operation Market Garden/Market Garden'' (1944) - Allied airborne attempt to cross the lower Rhine
* ''Operation Merkur/Merkur'' ("Mercury") (1941) - German invasion of Crete
* ''Operation Mondscheinsonate/Mondscheinsonate'' ("Moonlight Sonata") (1940) - German aerial raid on Coventry
* ''Operation Morgenrote/Morgenrote'' ("Dawn") (1944) - German counterattack against Anzio landings
* ''Operation Narcissus/Narcissus'' (1943) British commando raid
* ''Operation Nelson/Nelson'' (1944) - cancelled SAS patrol in France
* ''Operation Newton/Newton'' (1944) - SAS raid in France
* ''Operation Nordlicht 1/Nordlicht'' [1] ("Northern Lights") (1942) - planned German assault on Leningrad
* ''Operation Nordlicht 2/Nordlicht'' [2] ("Northern Lights") (1944) - German withdrawal from the Kola Peninsula into Norway
* ''Operation Nordwind/Nordwind'' ("North Wind") (1945) - German offensive in the Alsace
* ''Battle of Normandy/Overlord'' (1944) - Allied landings in Normandy
**''Operation Bodyguard/Bodyguard'' - overall deception plan
**''Operation Detroit/Detroit'' - American airdrop in Normandy
**''Operation Chicago/Chicago'' - American airdrop in Normandy
**''Operation Dingson/Dingson'' - Free French Forces/Free French commando raid
**''Operation Tonga/Tonga'' - British airdrop in Normandy
**''Operation Neptune/Neptune'' - landing phase of ''Overlord''
**''Operation Maple/Maple'' - Allied naval minesweeping operations
**''Operation Gambit/Gambit'' - British midget submarine operations
**''Operation Lüttich/Lüttich'' - German counter-offensive at Mortain
*''Operation Pegasus/Pegasus'' (1944) - Allied rescue of troops after failure of ''Market Garden''
* ''Operation Paperclip/Paperclip'' - part-military, part-scientific operation to gain information out of Nazi scientists after WWII
* ''Operation Paukenschlag/Paukenschlag'' ("Beat of the Kettle Drum") (1942) - German U-boat offensive on the east coast of the United States
* Operation Pedestal/ Pedestal Allied convoy to Malta.
* ''Operation Plunder/Plunder'' (1945) - British crossing of the Rhine
** ''Operation Archway/Archway'' - SAS operation to support ''Plunder''
** ''Operation Varsity/Varsity'' - airborne crossing in conjunction with ''Plunder''
*''Operation Pluto/Pluto'' - construction of undersea oil pipelines between England and France
* Operation Pomegranate/Pomegranate (1944) Raid in support of Operation Shingle
* ''Operation Renntier/Renntier'' ("Reindeer") (1941) - German occupation of Petsamo
* ''Rheinübung'' ("Exercise Rhine") (1941) - German attacks on Allied shipping conducted by ''German battleship Bismarck/Bismarck'' and ''Prinz Eugen''
* ''Operation Rösselsprung 1/Rösselsprung'' [1] ("Knights Move") (1942) German naval campaign to sink Arctic convoys
* ''Operation Rösselsprung 2/Rösselsprung'' [2] ("Knights Move") (1944) German attempt to capture Josip Broz Tito
* ''Operation Roundup/Roundup'' (1942) - planned Allied landings in France
* ''Operation Sea Lion/Seelöwe'' ("Sea Lion") (1940) - planned German invasion of United Kingdom/Britain
** ''Operation Adler/Adler'' ("Eagle") - German air offensive
** ''Operation Grün/ Grün'' [2] ("Green") (1940) - cecoy invasion of Ireland in conjunction with ''Seelöwe''
** ''Operation Herbstreise/Herbstreise'' ("Autumn Journey") - decoy invasion of Scotland in conjunction with ''Seelöwe''.
* ''Operation Shingle/Shingle'' (1944) - Allied landings at Anzio
** ''Operation Baobab/Baobab'' - commando raid in support of ''Shingle''
** ''Operation Chettyford/Chettyford'' - deception plan to support ''Shingle''
* ''Operation Sledgehammer/Sledgehammer'' (1942) - planned Allied landings in France
*''Operation Sonneblume/Sonneblume'' - movement of German troops to north Africa as a result of the British ''Compass''
* ''Sonnenwende'' ("Winter Solstice") (1945) - German offensive to relieve Pomerania from Russian forces and halt advance on Berlin
* ''Second Battle of El Alamein/Supercharge'' (1942) -second attack by British at El Alamein
* ''Operation Taifun/Taifun'' ("Typhoon") (1941) - German autumn offensive to capture Moscow
* ''Tanne Ost'' (1944 ) - failed German attempt to capture Suursaari from Finland
* ''Tanne West'' (1944) - planned German attempt to capture the Åland Islands from Finland
* ''Operation Theseus/Theseus'' (1942) - German offensive to drive Allies out of Cyrenaica and Egypt
* ''Exercise Tiger/Tiger'' (1944) - Allied training prior D-Day, near Slapton, Devon/Slapton.
* ''Operation Tombola/Tombola'' (1945) - SAS raid in Italy
* ''Operation Torch/Torch'' (1942) - Allied landings in North Africa
* ''Operation Totalize/Totalize'' (1944) - Allied effort to trap German armor in Normandy
* ''Battle of Guadalcanal/Watchtower'' (1942) - US invasion of Guadalcanal
* ''Fall Weiss/Weiss'' (1939) - German invasion of Poland.
* ''Operation Weserübung/Weserübung'' ("Weser Exercise") (1940) - German invasion of Denmark and Norway
* ''Wintergewitter'' ("Winter Storm") (1942) - German attempt to relief encircled 6th Army at Stalingrad
* ''Battle of Kursk/Zitadelle'' ("Citadel") (1943) German counteroffensive at Kursk
* ''Operation Cold Comfort/Zombie'' (1941) - airborne raid against rail targets in Italy

Final bold action

Crosschecked remaining duplicate lists and removed these. Bbpen/Bbpen 16:44, 14 Jul 2004

* ''Operation Artisan/Artisan'' - Canadian Forces contribution to the Rinas Airfield Rehabilitation Project in Tirana, Albania
* ''Operation Echo/Echo'' - Canada sending air forces to Aviano, Italy to enforce a no-fly zone over Balkan Peninsula/Balkan region (UNSFOR and UNKFOR)
* ''Operation Eclipse/Eclipse'' - deployment of Canadian soldiers to east Africa in support of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE)
* ''Operation Fusion/Fusion'' - Canada's combined contribution to ''Allied Harmony'' and ''Concordia''
* ''Operation Prudence/Prudence'' - Canada's participation in the Mission des Nations Unies dans la République Centrafricaine (MINURCA)

Law Enforcement
* Operation Avalanche (child pornography)/Avalanche (1999) - American anti-pedophilia effort
* Operation Falcon/Falcon (2004) - anti-pedophilia raid against companies handling credit card payments
* Operation Ore/Ore (2003) - American led anti-pedophilia effort
* Operation Pin/Pin (2003) - British-led anti-pedophilia effort

* ''List of amphibious assault operations''
* ''Nuclear testing/List of Nuclear Tests''
* ''Project RAND/RAND''
* ''Project Vanguard/Vanguard''
* ''Project Daedalus/Daedalus'' - British Interplanetary Society study to create a plausible design for an interstellar probe

Non-military operations
* ''Operation Bojinka/Bojinka'' - Terrorism/terrorist plot by al-Qaida members Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, foiled in 1995
* ''Operation Clambake/Clambake'' - anti-Scientology

External links
* http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/operations/past_ops_e.asp

Order And Discipline!
I hope you like the new organization of the page. We might want to do WWII this way also. PaulinSaudi/PaulinSaudi 08:58, 9 Nov 2004

SEALORD vice Sealords
Dear Iam,
All this Wikistuff is case-sensitive. Your SEALORD now points to Operation Sealords. When I first got here I protested much. We both know codewords are CAPITALIZED. That is just the local custom here, we cannot really change it.

Welcome to the Wiki!

PaulinSaudi/PaulinSaudi 03:03, 18 Nov 2004

*Yes but SEALORDS is an acronym, not just a codeword. It stands for Southeast Asia Lake, Ocean, River, and Delta Strategy. So I don't know why it would be made lowercase for an acronym. Iam/Iam 04:01, Nov 18, 2004


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